Ygia Polyclinic Private Hospital


Intensive Care Unit and High Dependency Unit

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and High Dependency Unit (HDU) at YGIA Polyclinic, are the specially accredited departments at the Hospital.  Patients of all specialties are treated and recovered, including craniocerebral and cardiothoracic patients, in the context of international and European guidelines.

Both ICU and HDU are staffed and equipped to treat patients with life-threatening conditions, injuries or even complications.  When patients are stabilised, they are being transferred to regular rooms, since our Hospital has telemetry for further monitoring and safety of the patient during hospitalisation.

The ICU has 12 and the HDU 3 beds, fully equipped with modern life support machines.  At the ICU, we provide the possibility of simultaneously treating up to 8 intubated patients with mechanical support and 1 patient receiving dialysis during acute renal failure.

The HDU is a step-down unit, mainly supporting patients after cardiac catheterisation, major long-duration surgeries and invasive procedures, after which on-screen telemetry monitored is required by medical and nursing staff.

Both units are staffed on a 24/7 basis by trained Specialist Physicians, specializing in emergency and intensive care, anaesthesiology, infection control, as well as associated physiotherapists in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, speech therapy and nutritionists (University Associated Nutritionists).

For the evaluation of their patients, our Intensivists use various tools such as the APACHE score (Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation), Euro SCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation), MODS (Multiple Organ Dysfunction).

Trained nursing staff, in a 1:1 and 1:2 ratio, give their best with excessive zeal and into offering their professional and specialised knowledge in a humanitarian and safe way.