The conviction that exists in the YGEIA Polyclinic, that the 560 people of the Organization are its strength, is expressed by the management of the hospital, with the reminder that they take care to demonstrate this through the policy they follow for their human resources.
For this reason, the Organisation's operational strategy is structured in such a way as to protect this advantage while investing in its development. "Our main objective is for our employers to feel secure in their working environment and to provide them with the incentives and means to achieve self-development and advancement," it says.

The management of the hospital expresses the conviction that the 560 people of YGIIA Polyclinic are the strength of the organization, by reminding that they take care to demonstrate this through the policy they follow for their human resources.
For this reason, the Organisation's operational strategy is structured in such a way as to protect this advantage while investing in its development. "Our main objective is for our employers to feel secure in their working environment and to provide them with the incentives and means to achieve self-development and advancement," it says.

A history of almost 40 years
YGIIA Polyclinic was founded in 1983 in the centre of Limassol city and is the first and largest private hospital in Cyprus. As of September 2023, it has been integrated into the General Health System (GHS) providing all its services, including the Emergency and Accident Department.
The YGEIA Polyclinic, with 24-hour operation, 7 days a week, has 178 beds, 8 operating rooms, 2 delivery rooms, a full Diagnostic Department with state-of-the-art equipment (Clinical Laboratory, MRI & CT scanner, Breast Center, Radiology Department and Ultrasound Department), as well as a fully equipped Intensive Care Unit.
As emphasized, "the overall experience offered to patients, from the facilities, high quality services, technological equipment, meals to medical care, has been designed with attention to even the smallest detail to ensure complete overall patient satisfaction."
Equal opportunities employer
YGIA Polyclinic is a Certified Equal Opportunity Employer by the National Business Certification Body of the Ministry of Labour. This is a certification that less than 60 companies in Cyprus have received.
In addition, as they point out, "we have been awarded for the opportunities we provide to young people to start their professional careers in the Organization, as well as for our policy of continuous training both by organizing single company seminars and by participating in multi-company seminars".
According to the Management of the Polyclinic, in today's highly competitive era, apart from the financial benefits, a decisive reason for the choice of each candidate is the working environment and the feeling of security and stability that it must inspire. "The same warmth that we feel in our family, we want to offer to the members of the YGIA Polyclinic family".
With innovative practices
The interview and recruitment processes are characterised by equal treatment. Questions of a personal nature that could lead to any form of discrimination are avoided, as they do not relate to the candidate's duties. The following innovative practices are applied at the YGIA Polyclinic:
Remuneration system
In the Polyclinic there is a structured system of remuneration and progression (career ladder) where increases and progression of employees are based on evaluation which is linked to the remuneration system and salary scales, without any segregation.
Reconciling work and family life
- Flexible working hours
- Provision of a sterile room for pregnant women
- Provision of gifts to female workers and workers who have a child
Preventive medicine
- We offer free mammography and breast ultrasound to the employees of the organisation every year, aiming at prevention.
- To the Agency's employees we offer free of charge a prostate examination
- Free vaccination (flu, hepatitis, etc.)
- Free Rapid test
Facilities for employees
- Working from home when the workplace allows it and in special cases where the worker is unable to work
- Sick leave of up to 3 days with full pay
- Provision of financial facilities- Student leave of up to 3 days with full pay
Continuous Vocational Training & Education
- Continuing training and specialisation is a one-way street, both in the health sector and in the general competitive working environment. YGEIA Polyclinic invests in the empowerment of its human resources and provides clear incentives for the continuous training of its staff, either through subsidised programmes or through degree or postgraduate programmes, assuming full financial coverage. For us at YGEIA Polyclinic, investing in the development of human resources is absolutely intertwined with the evolution and development of the Organization.
Occupational Safety & Health - Occupational Physician
- All employees meet with the occupational physician upon hire, as well as undergo a specific free blood test to rule out communicable diseases that can put both co-workers and patients at risk if not diagnosed and treated.
The biggest challenge
Finding staff and retaining them is as competitive as the times we live in, explains the human resources department in charge of the Polyclinic and adds what it considers to be the biggest challenge: "The challenge is to make employees feel like ambassadors of the organisation and to acquire the moral and emotional commitment that will make them an integral part of the organisation, so that they stay with it and grow with it"
Absolutely human-centred
For 38 years now, the corporate culture of the YGIA Polyclinic has been and continues to be absolutely people-centric, whether it is about its patients or its staff, the management says.
To point out that, the evolution of an organization, the achievement of its goals and the path to the top, depends entirely on its people. "Based on this very fact, we structure our Operational Strategy and our Human Resources Management Strategy, we are constantly evolving it and moving forward dynamically".
Facts & Figures
Number of staff: 560 people
Management team:
Dr. George Zacharias, CEO & HR Director
Ioannis Treppidis, Director of Financial Services
Panos Petrou, Director of Outpatient & Diagnostic Departments
Rhodothea Nikolaou, Quality and Compliance Manager
Marianna Fortoma, Director of Marketing & Business Development
Savvas Zidan, Director of IT & Risk Management
Marios Eleftheriou, Director of Technical Services
Job vacancies:
Technologist / Radiologist
Operating Room Nurse
Interventional Cardiologist
Medical radiologist
First aid doctor
The available vacancies at YGEIA Polyclinic are posted on its social networks (Facebook, Linkedln, Instagram), as well as on its official website
Awards and distinctions in the field of human resources:
Certified Equal Opportunity Employer by the National Business Certification Body of the Ministry of Labor.
Customer Service Excellence Awards (Boussias) - Gold Award in category 2.7 Learning & Development
HR Awards (Boussias Cyprus) - Bronze Award In Best Youth Employment Initiative - Supporting Young Professionals.