The department is equipped with the state-of-the-art Axial Tomograph GE RevolutionTM CT 128 Slices EVO 2021, which offers a better and more comfortable scanning experience, including for overweight and pediatric patients, providing superior image quality, while simultaneously allowing for the implementation of specialized examinations in a few seconds and with low radiation.
Indicatively, patients can undergo a series of specialized examinations, in addition to those considered routine, such as:
Axial Coronary Angiography,
Axial Angiography of the aorta, pulmonary arteries, peripheral vessels, and intracranial vessels
Body Axial Tomography (neck, chest, upper abdomen, pelvis)
Axial Musculoskeletal Tomography
Axial Neurological System Tomography
Axial Enterography,
Axial Urography
Quantitative Evaluation of Jaw Bones
Virtual Bronchoscopy
Biopsies and catheterizations guided by Axial Tomograph
Radiofrequency Ablation of Tumors.
Axial brain for infants and neonates under anesthesia